Monday, October 16, 2006

MMMM Mike & Ike Jolly Joes

I took a short trip through the Dollar store to see what they had this week that might be profitable to buy for $1.00 and resell for a $2 or more on eBay. I didn't find anything of value, but I always go in there once a month or sometimes twice, to buy bubble mailers when I have stuff to ship. They sell the small ones 3/$1 so that's a better price than Wal-Mart's price.

Anyway, when I was in there and didn't find anything, other than a 1 hour pro wrestling dvd that I bought for myself(and yes, watched immediately after I got home) I was going to the checkout and noticed... I haven't had these in 4 years, Mike & Ike Jolly Joes (The grape flavor candy... MMMMMMMMMM)

YUM I bought 2 of the 1 lb boxes, and the best thing is.. they're still FRESH rather than all dried out and stale. I wished they'd had the Hot Tamales also, but I'm not complaining. :) Growing up around hockey rinks I kind of grew up with Hot Tamales, and Jolly Rancher Stix. Cinnamon candy kicks ass also.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I love those candies!