Monday, September 25, 2006

Not all Mondays suck (though many do)

Trying this post in bold. I like the text color and the white bold was too bright the other dayToday's Monday.. so far it's not a normal Monday since it doesn't seem to suck as much as other Mondays. Then again I still have to go to the post office and ship 1 beanie baby that's been paid for. I have more to ship but they have to be paid for still, plus I have more to list tonight and a couple other nights this week.

Watching the TNA Wrestling ppv last night was different. I rarely watch TNA Impact (their Spike tv show) and watching the PPV was weird. I didn't recognize about 1/4 of the wrestlers, but some I knew of course. The worst thing with TNA I believe is that Jeff Jarrett is still their champion. He's old and seems to play the kind of game that HHH (Paul Levesque) has been accused of for years in the WWE/WWF, and holding guys back for his own spotlight. Jeff Jarrett was old and boring back in his WCW days, sticking to the same old gimmick of hitting people over the head with a fake guitar.. wtf!

This is nuts, there's an area code in Houston Texas of 281, and the area code here in Northern Minnesota is 218. In Houston they also have the prefix 879 like here, and we're getting a ton of calls meant to be to a photography company in Houston because either the people dialing are transposing the number 281 into 218, or the company fucked up their business cards. Whichever it is, it's annoying as hell. I've googled and reverse lookup'd the other number and it's not found so the next step soon will be to call te idiots and tell them we're sick of getting their calls. I'm glad I don't have a land line MYSELF, and it's only my Aunt's phoneline, but it's still annoying.

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