Thursday, September 28, 2006

Car cleaning; fishing season about done; Crazy Bitch

This time of year is always a good time for my car. This is the time when I decide the summer fishing season has come to an end and it's time to clean the car for one of two times each year. I did the whole bit again, Armor-All wipes and washing windows inside. Without Windex wipes and Armor-All wipes, I'm not sure I would have ever started cleaning the car. They take all the work out of the job, you just wipe the surfaces down and you're done, rather than spraying the stuff the old way then wiping it, then having to wash the windows again cause you got Armor-All on the glass. There's no leather surfaces in the car but plenty of soft vinyl.

The fabric seat on the drivers side, one side a seam has split, so I have to find someone to repair that soon before it decides to do more. The Sunfire turned 70,000 this summer.. so I've put on almost 30k miles in 4 years and a few months. A lot of that was enhanced by driving back and forth to Duluth 5+ days a week to work for 5 months total (different jobs, different years.)

Ok.. this song is on way too often.. Crazy Bitch plays at least 2 or 3 times a day and it's getting old fast now.

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