Thursday, August 09, 2007

Could Big Brother Be Rigged??

I haven't hit up this blog for a while and I figured it was well past time to do a post so here's the first post since June.

For the first time ever, I'm watching Big Brother(this is season 8 now) on CBS, and on Showtime-Too 'After Dark' and all seemed to be playing out well, until now.. when "America's Player," a new twist in the game, was 'put up' aka nominated for eviction from the house.

This new twist allows people to text message in and vote online on a list of tasks CBS creates, and to allow people to actually be Eric's vote rather than him cast them himself.

This load of bullshit twist, I personally believe after witnessing what's gone on the past couple days since he was nominated, creates a fraud out of the Big Brother show. There are a couple girls in Eric's alliance, Jameka and Jessica, who have come out of Diary Room (where they speak candidly to a camera that films their thoughts for the tv show only) session saying stuff to the extent of 'Big Brother' putting doubts in their head and hinting that Eric's not lying to them about stuff when it's blatantly obvious to the viewer that he is.

I won't go into details (because people who watch know, and those who don't have already stopped reading) other than that the people that America has voted for him to vote out have gone against the way Eric's played and aligned himself in past weeks and cast shadows over OTHER players in that original alliance.

If 'Big Brother' aka CBS Producers really are hinting and putting thoughts into the people's heads who are ready to vote out CBS's 'Twist' of America's Player, then I believe the game is a big fraud now and a huge waste of everyone's time. I also believe that this can and may create a giant battle between evicted players and CBS after the show is over.

Just my thoughts, take them as you will :) I'm still going to watch this show and see how far they actually let America's Player go into the game, obviously he can't be allowed by CBS to win the whole thing, that's a gigantic conflict of interest.

My We B Pervs Message Board There is a Big Brother thread where I keep my thoughts.

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